Improving Platform Navigation

7 min read


22 October 2023

Improving Platform Navigation

Images of Headers in a Cover

Case Study Cover


Images of Headers in a Cover

Case Study Cover



Lead Designer - Feature Scoping, Research, Interaction Design, Prototyping, UI Design


Vishwa - Design, Parv - PM, Aman - Frontend Engineer, Swapnil Negi - Backend Engineer


August 2023 - October 2023


Newton School is an Indian ed-tech startup that focuses on building a futuristic online university. Their goal is to offer a highly immersive and interactive learning path to millions of students, enabling them to tap into new-age tech opportunities. They achieve this by offering paid tech courses and providing free products for coding and interview practice for public use.

In my role, I initiated and led a comprehensive redesign of the entire product's navigation, addressing a crucial element that was causing user friction at various stages.

After the launch of the new navigation across the product, there was a cumulative increase of 21% in discoverability and a 50% increase in footfall on public products. Also a staggering 30% decrease in drop-offs for the courses.


Lead Designer - Feature Scoping, Research, Interaction Design, Prototyping, UI Design


Vishwa - Design, Parv - PM, Aman - Frontend Engineer, Swapnil Negi - Backend Engineer


August 2023 - October 2023


Newton School is an Indian ed-tech startup that focuses on building a futuristic online university. Their goal is to offer a highly immersive and interactive learning path to millions of students, enabling them to tap into new-age tech opportunities. They achieve this by offering paid tech courses and providing free products for coding and interview practice for public use.

In my role, I initiated and led a comprehensive redesign of the entire product's navigation, addressing a crucial element that was causing user friction at various stages.

After the launch of the new navigation across the product, there was a cumulative increase of 21% in discoverability and a 50% increase in footfall on public products. Also a staggering 30% decrease in drop-offs for the courses.


Lead Designer - Feature Scoping, Research, Interaction Design, Prototyping, UI Design


Vishwa - Design, Parv - PM, Aman - Frontend Engineer, Swapnil Negi - Backend Engineer


August 2023 - October 2023


Newton School is an Indian ed-tech startup that focuses on building a futuristic online university. Their goal is to offer a highly immersive and interactive learning path to millions of students, enabling them to tap into new-age tech opportunities. They achieve this by offering paid tech courses and providing free products for coding and interview practice for public use.

In my role, I initiated and led a comprehensive redesign of the entire product's navigation, addressing a crucial element that was causing user friction at various stages.

After the launch of the new navigation across the product, there was a cumulative increase of 21% in discoverability and a 50% increase in footfall on public products. Also a staggering 30% decrease in drop-offs for the courses.

What Exactly was the Problem

Concerns arose within the product teams as retrofitting new features into the existing information architecture became challenging with the growing complexities of features over time. The team shared a consensus that a different product structure, both in terms of UI and backend, would enhance the impact of new features by allowing them to be positioned more strategically — an opportunity constrained by the current product structure.

Analysing the data revealed that users using the product were experiencing navigation-related challenges, often exiting their intended user flows due to mis-taps and dropping out of their courses.

How our users were suffering

With a substantial enrolment of over 2000 students spanning various courses, the context centers around the challenges faced by users in effectively utilising the product.

  1. Navigation Challenges
    Users found it challenging to navigate the product efficiently, hindering their overall user experience.

  2. Accidental Exits
    Accidental clicks were a recurring issue, causing users to inadvertently exit their courses while actively involved in assignments or lecture sessions.

  3. Alternative Measures
    In response to these challenges, many users opted for browser bookmarks and navigation as a workaround. However, this solution had a detrimental effect on the product’s overall usability and reliability.

A mechanic fixing a Robot

Old Header


A mechanic fixing a Robot

Old Header


How public products were affected because of poor navigation

Newton School had developed five public products to cater to various needs, but they faced the issue of being largely undiscovered. The context revolves around the challenges users, both enrolled and not enrolled, encountered when arriving at Newton’s platform through Google search.

  1. Lack of Visibility
    The convoluted navigation system rendered the five public products largely undiscovered, impacting their visibility on the platform.

  2. Restricted Awareness
    Users, upon arriving via Google search, were confined to the specific product they initially sought. This limitation hindered their awareness of the broader range of offerings designed to meet diverse needs.

  3. Missed Opportunities
    The existing navigation structure restricted users from exploring additional products that could potentially address other educational requirements, thereby missing out on valuable opportunities.

Finding Partners within the Organisation

Up until now, all tasks were handled internally by the design team. It became crucial to garner support from stakeholders in the product and tech teams to bring this project to fruition.

When the design team presented them with data and user insights, they were convinced of the project’s value. However, a significant challenge surfaced — the project had yet to align with the organization’s business goals. At this point, I realized I had been solely focused on addressing user problems, overlooking the alignment with broader business objectives. Parv, the Project Manager at Newton School, brought this to my attention and assisted me in identifying the essential business goals that would pave the way for the successful implementation of this project.

Aligning the project with Business Goals

Newton School aims to capitalise on the untapped potential of its 30,000 monthly coding contest participants who are eager to upskill and seek mentorship. Despite their active participation, these users remain unaware of Newton’s comprehensive offerings, including AI Products, Paid Courses, and Free Courses.


  1. Enhanced Awareness
    Increase awareness among the existing pool of 30,000 coding contest participants regarding Newton School’s extensive offerings, fostering a better understanding of available AI Products, Paid Courses, and Free Courses.

  2. Utilise Public Products as Acquisition Channels
    Transform public products into effective acquisition channels to attract and engage users, encouraging them to explore additional offerings and services provided by Newton School.

  3. Revenue Growth
    Anticipate a subsequent increase in revenue by leveraging the visibility and engagement generated through public products turned acquisition channels. This strategic approach aims to convert users into paying customers, thereby contributing to the overall financial success of Newton School.


With these insights into the problems, we started our research, analysing other competitors and continuously talking to the users. 

Started the competitive benchmarking process to identify current gaps in Newton School’s user experience. Upon examining various competitors, I categorised them into the following segments:

Competitive Benchmarking

Assessing the competitors


Competitive Benchmarking

Assessing the competitors


User Calling and Idea Testing

Over the course of a couple of months, I engaged with various users through calls to gain an understanding of their problems. Once I gathered concrete insights, I tested several ideas with the users and collected their feedback.

Research Insights

  1. Three out of four platforms feature a two-level navigation system, comprising a primary top navigation and a secondary side navigation.

  2. The top navigation includes globally relevant elements for switching between the courses, profile, gamification tokens, and Refer a Friend.

  3. The left navigation primarily focuses on content within the courses.

  4. The differentiation between L1 and L2 levels holds particular importance in Alma Better, Figma, and Jira, as it enhances content hierarchy recognition and intuitiveness.

  5. Users encountered significant friction when attempting common tasks such as completing assignments or revising lectures.

Separating the Headers

Following the research, we determined to implement contextual headers. This involves distinct headers for different contexts, including:

  1. Global navigation

  2. Course-specific header

  3. And a separate header for focused activities such as solving an assignment or watching a lecture.

Variants of Global Headers

Variants of Global Headers


Variants of Global Headers

Variants of Global Headers


Improvements in Course Header

On average, a paid user at Newton School typically enrols in three courses: one paid and two free courses. To facilitate seamless navigation and prevent unintentional exits from the course, I replaced the Newton School logo with the Switcher, allowing users to switch between courses at their discretion.

Course Header

Course Header


Course Header

Course Header


The Switcher

This new element, inspired by Figma’s profile switcher, displays all the courses a user has registered for. It also provides an option to navigate to any public product from a course, enhancing user flexibility.

Course Switcher

Course Switcher


Course Switcher

Course Switcher


Task Specific Headers

Vishwajeet led the design for task-specific headers, focusing on major user tasks such as solving assignments, contests, quizzes, and revising lectures.

During a user’s engagement in a task, the aim is to simplify their navigation within the solving flow and prevent any unintentional exits from the task. 

Two variants were designed and implemented for these specific purposes.

Specific Header for IDE

IDE Header


Specific Header for IDE

IDE Header


Task Sidebar

Task Sidebar


Task Sidebar

Task Sidebar



The overall impact of this project is broadly divided into three parts:

Public Products

  1. 3x increase in visits on Today’s question

  2. 73% increase in visits to AI tryouts

Course Navigation

  1. 30% decrease in users exiting the course to the dashboard

  2. Users solve twice as many questions in one session in EDGE as compared to other courses.

Growth & Revenue

By increasing the visibility of our public products, we successfully converted four non-paying users into enrolled users, generating a revenue of approximately 10 lakhs.

Learnings and Takeaways

  1. While leading a design-centric project, gathering partners from the product and tech teams proved challenging. However, aligning more people toward the same goal significantly facilitated the task.

  2. Redesigning the navigation for the entire product posed a unique challenge, considering a substantial user base already accustomed to the existing interface. Recognising the potential disruption, I learned to version my design changes (not covered in this case study) to ensure a seamless transition for users.

  3. Given the project’s scale, comprehensive documentation was imperative, covering initial insights, research findings, feature scoping, and maintaining a release log. Although challenging, collaborating with peers enabled us to achieve this extensive documentation.

  4. Our research and discussions revealed the clear and crucial need for these changes, as they had a significant impact on key metrics.

Closing Notes

Thank you for sticking around till the end. This project at Newton School ranks among the larger ones I’ve undertaken, and it has been a tremendous learning experience for me. I’ve grown in various aspects, from collaboration to execution. 

It required approximately 9 months of effort to persuade stakeholders and successfully launch the project. Designing in a Series B startup, I discovered, requires a significant amount of alignment — about 30% was the actual design work, while the remaining 70% involved discussions with stakeholders, convincing the founders, and coordinating with other teams. 

In the end, everyone, including myself, were happy to see a positive outcome, making a meaningful impact at Newton School, even if it’s just a small dent!